Due to availability of a reliable source of water for the farms, vegetables are often grown during the dry season, while maize and beans are cultivated in the rainy seasons. The production of vegetables plays a major role in increasing farmers' household income, because vegetables are mainly produced for doing business on local, regional, and international markets. Vegetables such as tomato, onion, eggplant, okra, carrot, and cucumber are usually produced by small-scale and medium-scale farmers at different times during the year. This leads to a higher profit since the products are rather scarce but highly demanded on the market. In Msitu wa Tembo and Londoto, around 384 farmers engage in onion and tomato production on more than 781 acres of land during different seasons of the year. Onion and tomato production has become popular amongst farmers, who are incentivised because of the higher profits and fewer risks compared to other vegetable products.
Farmers from the two villages have organised and formed six farmers’ business organisations. Rikolto has supported this process by offering different agricultural services with the aim of transforming their local agricultural practices to agribusiness practices. Previously, most farmers used traditional agricultural practices due a resistance to adapt to changes. Currently, farmers along the Pangani riverbank have adopted Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) that they have learnt from different seminars, workshops and demonstration plots facilitated by Rikolto in collaboration with other food value chain stakeholders. The Government Agricultural Extension Officers have been crucial in training farmers on GAP and linkages to the markets. Rikolto has engaged different agricultural input companies, distributers, traders, and consultants to enable farmers to receive agribusiness services vital to increase productivity and income.